BR Bulleid Brake Third Semi-Open 10'' Vents #S4377S 'Set 69' (Green) - Sold Out

BR Bulleid Brake Third Semi-Open 10'' Vents #S4377S 'Set 69' (Green) - Sold Out

Canadian RRP: $107.99   UK RRP: £74.95

The all-new Bachmann Branchline Bulleid Coaches have been designed from the rails up and these stunning models capture every element of Bulleid's modernistic design to a tee. These steel-bodied coaches went on to influence the ubiquitous British Railways Mk1 Standard Coaching Stock. This model depicts Brake Third Semi-Open #S4377S in BR (SR) Green livery.

Items 34-726 & 34-800 form 'Set 69'
