The Dinky Years

The Dinky Years

This hard backed book brings together individual recollections of Dinky Toys from the 1930s to 1970s as well as offering a factual and informative background history to the models. A variety of themes run throughout the book including saloon cars, which features the innovative models Dinky released which were to be the ‘pathfinders’ for the toy industry, an aircraft section which looks at changes to scale and diecast details as well as the influences of the war, and a section on commercials which is presented via the ‘Series’ of models plus many other chapters that Dinky collectors will find fascinating. The author also offers suggestions on ways to display your models and an in-depth look back at the popular and highly collectable petrol tankers. The comprehensive and detailed book will explore the many changes, developments and market influences during the four main decades of production, balancing themes which will be both informative and enjoyable for the reader.

Author: David Boxall